How to run useEffect only once

Say goodbye to unneccessary rerenders in React with just a simple empty array.

If you are a developer, chances are that you might have heard of the term tutorial hell. If you are a React developer, you might even be familiar with a certain useEffect hell.

export default function Component() {
  useEffect(() => {
    // fetch data and setState

  useEffect(() => {
    // window.addEventListener

  useEffect(() => {
    // expensive operation inside if statements

  return <div>This is an example</div>;

For those of you that are just starting out with React and React Hooks, you might have overlooked something in the above example.

These useEffects would run on every rerender.

We often don't want this behavior, which is why I am going to show you how to run the useEffect hook only once.

How to run useEffect only once

To use the useEffect hook only once, you need to provide an empty array as your dependencies array like in the example below:

useEffect(() => {
  console.log("I only ran once!");
}, []);

This extremely simple change makes sure that when the component mounts, this useEffect will only run on the initial render. All renders after this will be ignored.